"rauchen tut gut"

"The commercials /die werbung/reklamen/ works in favour for the speed of the consumers and has a positive effect on the economy of the country.
We create an ideal of its own, high maintinace for witch the consumer is very active to reach and/or keep.
Diet products, cosmetics, clothing created abroad, not expensively produced, sold expensively.
Smoking; work in favour for the economy and is keeping the population on a low enough number."
Where would the buisness-world be withour its strong everyday-dose of climb-over-corpses-cynisism?
Look what I found as I went link-surfing!
Art collectives all over the place
and here!!! Oh, JOY!!creative protest!
I´ll be seeing these in 3d someday soon.
Berliner strassenkunst utan skam i kroppen
Kiwi OF DOOM - 31. Mär, 10:52
Berlin streetart
thanks for the blogspot link
you will find in Berlin some old Akayism + Adam past ups.
There a rumors out about a new big exhibition with both.
A big streetart piece was the following
Adam container present for 11 month
or http://people.freenet.de/0../u/HTMLs/akayism00.html
Wow! Thanx again.
it put us all in a good mood as we saw it.
Your art is real big, how long does it take for you to finish it all?
Do you create it all during the night?
We usually put our work up early in the evenings, when there is a lot of people around, not the best way to do it , perhaps, but we like to watch people as they watch our art. (gives us a huge ego-trip) and besides, our art doesn´t usually last that long on the streets,anyway.
;) a day or two usually.
Thanks for the links.
Din´t know akay did stuff in Berlin!
I see akays work everyday here in sthlm.
I love it when people question the priorities of our culture.
What you see on the container is the result of probably 10 sessions around 1 h.
In my 1st Berlin phase i worked more in the night and had more police controls. During the day , when the streets are full , it´s more difficult for the police, to see my activities.
2 videos.
Another "kiwi clan" photo from urban-art.info#=>NVE
Nice videos, there!
( and to see a bit of Berlin, again.)
Nice work with the fussball, by the way.
And thanks for the kivi clan-pic. :)